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I am interested in having more people on my team at Muha Computer Repair. I am looking for developers that are well-experienced with using the following coding/programming languages:

  • C#
  • C++
  • Go
  • Kotlin
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Swift
It is vital that you keep up with your knowledge in the coding/programming languages by actively using them and continuing your education. I have innovations in mind that require complex code and therefore, a deep knowledge and understanding of Computer Science is necessary. I have lots of questions that I need answers to on the possibilities of development. Having an understanding of Information Technology (IT) is a must since my innovations will include but are not limited to computer repair softwares.
Currently, I do not need anymore team members for HTML, CSS, and/or JavaScript, but please check back later.

~Chris Muha
Owner & Lead Technician